You can join the BeyondPain community by visiting our website and signing up for a free account once you are registered. You can register to receive emails about virtual meetings, forums, resources, and more. Stay updated by subscribing to our emails! We’re so happy to welcome you into the BeyondPain family.
CRPS, or complex regional pain syndrome, causes severe and persistent pain, as well as "flare-ups" which are often spurred on by an injury. Other symptoms include swelling, skin temperature and color changes, sensitivity to touch, and stiffness in the affected area. It’s important to know that pain can spread beyond the initial area of the injury.
You can support BeyondPain by volunteering or raising awareness about CRPS. Sharing our resources and participating in our events also helps to spread our message.
BeyondPain regularly updates its visitors and subscribers with the latest research and developments in CRPS. You can explore our Research & News section on the website, join our forums, or subscribe to our newsletter for updates.
BeyondPain offers a wide range of resources, including educational materials, personal stories, expert interviews, and links to external research. We also provide toolkits to help manage CRPS, access to support groups, and guidance on navigating treatment options.
CRPS is diagnosed through evaluations by a doctor, who assesses your symptoms and medical history. While there is no single test for CRPS, imaging and nerve tests may be used. Treatment typically involves pain management, physical therapy, medications, and more. Early intervention is key to improving the quality and duration of treatment outcomes.
If you would like to participate in our virtual meetups, you can register on our website and sign up for the events that interest you. You’ll receive a link to join the session via email or can sign up directly on our website. Our meetups provide a supportive environment for sharing experiences, learning, and connecting with others who understand your diagnosis and can empathize with your journey. Let’s battle CRPS together!
CRPS is a fairly rare condition, affecting approximately 200,000 people in the United States annually. Globally CRPS affects 5.46 people out of every 100,000. It can occur at any age but is more common in women and typically develops after an injury, surgery, or other trauma. CRPS can be acute (short-term) or chronic (lasting longer than three months). Early studies suggest that most CRPS patients recover and very few have pain after one year.
Beyond provides a support system for those living with CRPS. We offer resources for understanding and managing the condition, a community for sharing experiences and receiving support, access to expert advice, and advocacy efforts to raise awareness and improve care standards.
sharing your story on BeyondPain is a powerful way to connect with others and raise awareness. You can submit your story via our website. Stories can be shared anonymously if preferred, and we offer guidance on how to articulate your experience.
BeyondPain stands out due to our holistic approach to CRPS support. We not only provide a platform for sharing and community support but also focus on education, advocacy, and access to cutting-edge research. Our team is dedicated to empowering members with the tools they need to navigate CRPS.
BeyondPain is currently working on designing kits to offer practical tools for managing CRPS. They will include pain management tools, educational materials, and stress relief items to help you on your journey. We’ve also included a few pieces of fun merch to help spread the word about CRPS and the BeyondPain community.